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The Trust

Our work would not be possible without the support of our generous donors. 


Your donations support Maasai communities in Kenya and the survival of the Maasai Mara Ecosystem through sustainable community development.

No matter the amount, the impact is felt by many.


Become a 
Maa Guardian

Are you interested in joining the Maa Guardians programme supporting The Maa Trust on a regular basis?

Our Maa Guardians are individuals, family foundations or companies who are passionate about the empowerment of Maasai women, youth and children for the long-term sustainable conservation of the Maasai Mara Ecosystem.

Below are examples of what your donation could help us to accomplish. If you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose, please specify when making a donation, or contact us on 


$10: Medicine for a sick child at mobile medical camps

$50: Buys 50% of a beehive, to be matched by a Maasai family

$80: Buys a Mama Kit for anyone who delivers at Talek Maternal, Newborn and  Child Healthcare Facility

$200: Monthly salary for a beading assistant, who in turn allows 110 women to participate in Maa Beadwork

$500: One month’s running costs for a Maa Trust vehicle, a critical component to our outreach work.

$700:  One girl to take part in CLARP per year

$1500: One year’s full support for a Vocational training course for a young person

$3500:15,000 litre rainwater harvesting system for a primary school

$5000: One day free mobile medical camp for a rural community serving 200-300 people

$80,000: Rainwater harvesting providing safe drinking water for a community of 600 people

For donations above $5000 please contact to discuss the most efficient donation path.


For USA 501(c)3 and International Donors:

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Please donate through our partner Platform, Africa Exchange.

For UK Gift Aid Donors:

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Please donate through our partner Platform, CHASE Africa, and dedicate your donation to "The Maa Trust" in the box that states "Please enter any message to go with your donation."


We welcome guests to our headquarters and beading workshop and our staff would love to share about our other projects and how you can get involved!


Our work is only possible thanks to the generous support of safari guests, partner organizations and generous donors. Every little help. If you would like to support our work, please click the link below.


Whether you have questions about the Trust, are interested in getting involved, or just want to get in touch, we'd love to hear from you! 

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