From March-August 2021, ICHP in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Community Health Partner (CHP) conducted the following activities:
Medical outreach camps
Cancer screening medical camp
Capacity Building-Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights(ASRHR)
Community gatekeepers meeting
International Youth Day celebration
a) Backpacks
A total of 12 backpack activities were done from March-August 2021 reaching of 2,474 people from 12 different villages. Services provided during these backpack activities include immunization, family planning, HIV testing and Counselling, Vitamin A supplements and deworming.
b) Medical outreach camps
During this period, 36 medical camps reached a total of 5,922 people. Services provided during the medical outreach include: basic treatment, immunization, family planning, HIV testing and Counselling, Vitamin A supplements, Antenatal Care (ANC) and deworming. All the services in medical camps are provided by nurses from the link facilities.
c) Door to door
The six Community Health Mobilizers (CHMs) have been conducting door to door activities for the last 6 months in different villages. From March to August 2021 a total number of 965 women were educated on family planning and referred to a link facility to choose and receive a family planning method.
The summary below shows the total service provision for door to door, backpacks and medical camps activities from March-August 2021.
d) Cancer screening medical camp
In July, TMT partnered with MOH and CHP conducted its first cancer screening medical camp in Talek- CHP reaching 17 women on cervical cancer screening. ICHP aims at doing 6 cancer screening annually in different regions. A lot of information awareness on cancer needs to be done so as to educate women on the importance of screening.
e) Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR)
The Maa Trust, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH), CHP, and Peer Mentors, held ASRHR trainings in 13 communities. The following topics were covered during the training: social empowerment, children's rights (against FGM, child labor, early marriages, and sexual harassment), adolescent pregnancy, body growth and self-acceptance, peer pressure and social accountability, Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH), and communication skills.
f) Community gatekeepers meeting- Endoinyo Erinka
In August, ICHP conducted a community gatekeepers meeting at Endoinyo Erinka village. The meeting was attended by 16 community members, including village elders, church leaders, youth leaders, a nurse from the Endoinyo Erinka facility, two TMT representatives, and other community opinion leaders. The main aim of the meeting was to brief the stakeholders on ICHP project progress since 2020 and get the community feedback on the project.
During the meeting, community leaders reported that the ICHP project had greatly helped the community through medical camps and backpacks. People from remote areas have been able to receive medical care through medical camps and backpacks. Community leaders who have assisted in mobilization have reported that the community is extremely grateful for the project and their participation.
g) International Youth Celebration day
In August, TMT staff and six Talek youths attended the International Youth Celebration in Olderkesi. The Maa Trust was given the opportunity to speak about the importance of youth empowerment in the community and involving them in all aspects of community development. The event culminated with a tree planting activity in which the youths planted trees at the Olderkesi community center.